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How to learn/use AI/ML in 5 min ?
Before you write your own AI/ML code, please take a look at some ready to go solutions first, e.g. IBM “Ready to use Deep Learning Models: All You Need is 5 Minutes” by Gabriela de Queiroz.
This will likely save you a lot of time and effort ! Why re-invent your wheels if IBM has done it already ?
I demo below with the IBM MAX-Facial-Age-Estimator in 5 min !
0/ Minute 1: I downloaded two photos of my favorite actor, Tom Hanks to demo this.
1/ Minute 2: run docker below on my little Windows 10 laptop,
C:\Users\cheer>docker run -it -p 5000:5000 codait/max-facial-age-estimator
Unable to find image ‘codait/max-facial-age-estimator:latest’ locally
latest: Pulling from codait/max-facial-age-estimator
cc1a78bfd46b: Pull complete
…1fd3eb2aa0c2: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:fbf0fcd8dd54760247cb4fa5d31484185930abc5ef126c08aff3dedb9c02ac6d
Status: Downloaded newer image for codait/max-facial-age-estimator:latest
Using TensorFlow backend.
2019–08–26 17:31:16.437833: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2
WARNING:tensorflow:From /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mtcnn/ calling reduce_max (from…