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FAST and EASY way to learn any new technology, e.g. kafka on docker in 10 min. : )
I like to learn a lot, so need a better way to learn many quickly and easily. Docker is always my favorite tool in learning and training. I always first search dockerhub to see good ready to go images instead of installing the WHOLE software package to save time and effort.
Recently, I need a quick demo in Kafka on docker to help some ex-colleagues to learn new technology for their job interviews. I hope to kill two birds (show them BOTH docker and Kafka at the same time !) with one stone.
I choose docker instead of the complete Kafka installation because I only have 10–20 min demo time. I also like them to learn more about Docker because this is often asked in many interviews.
I can then show them many commands, e.g. docker ps -a, logs, exec, attach, images, run, build, etc… so they can learn all the needed docker commands in Kubernetes environment.
I can next show them all the Kafka concepts/commands, e.g. Consumer, Producer, Partitions, Replication Factor, ruok, dump, envi, reqs, stat, srst, etc.